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Covid-19 安全対策
COVID-19 safty protcols

MV+I Dance Studioでの基本対策




MV+I is strictly complying to all guidelines for maintaining social distancing, hygiene protocols, and cleaning and disinfecting as described by the government. All staff, students, and families must comply with all standards listed below.

  • Beau Monde Ballroom内では、ご家族、ご家族以外のケアギバーまた2歳以上のお子様はマスクを着用。

  • スタジオチェックイン前に、体温測定をいたします。毎週スタッフが生徒の検温後、簡単な健康チェックの質問をいたします。

  • ​ご家族、ご家族以外のケアギバー、生徒は到着・退出時に手洗いの徹底。

  • ロビーでお待ちになる保護者、またスタジオ内の生徒は最低3フィートの距離を確保。

  • 接触人数を最小限にするため、スタジオ入室は生徒のみ。幼稚園生以外の保護者の方はレッスン中Beau Monde ballroom外でお待ち下さい。

  • 生徒全員がレッスン開始前に、この基本対策を存知していること。

  • ご家族、ご家族以外のケアギバー、生徒の体調が優れない日は、その日の対面クラスは欠席する。

  • While indoors, all parents, caregivers and students over the age of 2 must wear a face mask.

  • No-touch infrared temperature checks will be conducted upon entering the space. A staff will also verbally screen each student by asking the present caregiver simple questions indicating signs and symptoms of illness.

  • Parents, caregivers and students must thoroughly wash hands upon entering and leaving the building. A staff will lead all students in washing their hands thoroughly and regularly throughout the duration of each in-studio program.

  • Parents, caregivers and students must remain at least 3 feet apart from others at all times.

  • To limit our capacity, parents and caregivers are not permitted inside the building during drop off or pick up times.

  • All students should be aware of health and safety protocol before entering the space. These standards will be clearly communicated in regular emails by MV+I. We encourage all parents to communicate expectations with their child(ren) before entering our space.

  • Parents, caregivers and students must stay home if they feel unwell or if they know someone who feels unwell.


A parent or guardian must complete our mandatory waiver before their child can participate in any in-studio programming at MV+I.

Please note:



If your child has a medical condition that puts them at high risk for severe illness of COVID-19, it is critical that you provide a letter of clearance to attend a program from your child’s healthcare provider. If someone in your child’s household is high-risk, we highly recommend consulting with your physician to determine if a MV+I program is appropriate for your family.

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